Lutfi Afiq Rosli

PhD Student (2017-2022)
Currently Postdoctoral Fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Email: e0225086(at); lutfi.afique(at)

Current Project

Enhancing Singapore's Coral Reef Ecosystem in a Green Port

The main objective of the project is to improve scientific understanding of the long-term processes necessary for the development of restored reefs, thus enabling sustainable management solutions to be implemented.

Academic History

BSc (Marine Biology) (Hons) , University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT), 2006 - 2009.
Thesis: Relationship of coral cover and depth in Bidong and Redang Island, Malaysia.

Research Assistant, Molecular Ecology Lab, University of Malaya (UM), 2010 - 2012.
Project: Population genetics of Pocillopora damicornis along the west coast and east coast of Peninsular Malaysia.


Best Young Scientist Oral Presentation Award at the 8th IOC/WESPAC International Scientific Symposium (2011), Busan, Republic of Korea.

Research Interests

Coral reefs conservation.
Coral reefs ecology and physiology.
Coral phylogenetics and population genetics.